So...I see that my last post was when I had 5 weeks to go in my pregnancy. That doesn't surprise me at all since right at about 35 weeks is when my easy breezy pregnancy turned into a not-so-easy bumpy ride. To make a long story 35 weeks my blood pressure started giving us trouble and we spend the next 3 (seemed like 10) weeks on bedrest....overnight hospital monitoring....strict bedrest...more hospital stays. It seemed like an eternity and was filled with worry and anxiety. At exactly 38 weeks we decided it was time to induce me and to meet our baby boy.

We went in on a Monday afternoon and the process got started. To be brief (if you know me well then you have heard just how it all went down in more detail), we got dealt a pretty crappy hand when it comes to the birthing process. Mr. Rob was face up, I would not dilate past a 3 for many, MANY hours and I had to be on Magnesium since my blood pressure was so high (not a fun drug and NOT a fan of the catheter that was required right from the get-go). FINALLY, when I got the epidural I was relieved for a short time. Three epidurals later and we finally got used to the fact that it was really only working well on my left leg (which was dead weight by the end of everything). So after 19 hours of labor, 1 hour of pushing and no epidural benefits we decided Mr. Rob wasn't going to cooperate so we went in for a c-section. I have never been more ready to meet someone in my life and at this point...never more exhausted and ready to be done with the whole thing. It was now Tuesday, November 22 at 10:30 am. If you know my husband..he has this thing for palendromes so Rob's birthday was a very fitting 11-22-11. This picture is my favorite of all the messy c-section photos so I will share (sorry if the blood grosses you out)...I love how Jamie is helping me to touch little Rob's foot. Poor Jamie was just as glad as I was to have reached the finish line....poor guy looked defeated :)

So after all the craziness we finally got to love on our new miracle and love on him we have. He has been such a blessing and is just the sweetest, happiest little boy. We love to watch him change daily and to witness him just loving life so much! He is already 5 months old and time is just flying by! Here are a few of my favorites from the last 5 months.
Best day of our lives. |
Jamie has been Super Dad from the very beginning. Love these two boys! |
He has so many funny looks to give us! |
First Day of Daycare |
First Easter |
He loved his first meal! |
I will try to be better about blogging so I don't have to stuff 5 months into one post. I'm sure it will all bore you to death as they will most likely be filled with nothing but Rob. But hey....that's just how it goes. Happy May to everyone!