I've been a bad blogger....just can't seem to stay on top of it. I'll try harder. Life has been great lately. Nothing big to report...just enjoying it. I've found myself being very sentimental lately...I'm not sure if its because Rob's first birthday is coming up (Leslie if you read this...you nailed it when you said I would feel this way) or what? Little things have me getting either all choked up or just elated and doing a happy dance. I am stopping to smell the roses a little more....and just really trying to appreciate everything I have been blessed with. Alright enough with all of that...here are some pictures of what's been going on in our lives lately.
Grandad wanted to give Rob some ice cream...he LOVED it...who doesn't?!
playing in the pack n' play in Galveston |
he LOVED the sand (until he ate it) and waves...just like his momma
a boy and his wagon |